UK elections and homosexual marriage

Messing with Marriage while the Kids Rape Each Other -- Cameron Redefines England

Almost exactly a year to the day after she announced the UK's LibLabCon covert three-way coalition's gay marriage legislative blitzkrieg, Tory Culture Secretary Maria Miller is at it again. Well she hasn't really stopped, since, as she says, she has been 'working hard'* to make this happen. Yes, she is bringing forward the first day on which two people of the same sex can mimic a marriage ceremony by a full three months to March 29th 2014, just before Easter.  Why the indecent hurry? Eagerness to satisfy cash rich gay Tory paymasters for sure, and maybe to bask in the glow of approval from their Labour and LibDem collaborators in the Westminster bubble as well. But the single overriding motive must be to get the media hype about this PR atrocity as far away from the May 2014 local council elections and 2015 general election as possible. 

Here's a neutral take from the Mail, giving a range of views:

And here the Christian Institute pointing out the election timing issue:

But here is the weird one, the hitherto right wing Telegraph, now championing gay marriage like Cameron snuggling up to Obama and a Blond Danish PM for a 3-way selfie at a statesman's funeral! Recently a Torygraph film critic even slammed Enders Game because it's author had written books supporting Real Marriage, so the following gush should come as no surprise:

Ominously, it spells out what opponents of the SSM Bill knew all along: SSM is only a step on the what? 

The question is pressing, because the agenda of cultural destruction by sex propaganda seems pretty far advanced already, as recent reports on child-on-child rape (see link below) makes clear. Of course, this can not be due to teaching kids how to put on condoms from the age of four, or telling them that sex is always OK no matter how you do it. Nor can it be anything to do with 24/7 porn and modelling sex-based lifestyles (sorry, my dog was 'born that way') on the media either:

Mrs Miller is being coy. In fact she and her colleagues have been even busier than they care to admit. The LibCon Government have been taking steps to end representative democracy altogether. Bills to limit charity and activist lobbying activity in the year before a General Election, and sweeping powers for local councils under draconian ‘nuisance’ laws are intended to muzzle all but MPs on matters of substance. A LibLabCon monopoly on politics will be sealed by the coup de grace of press regulation. This was cheer-led by luvvies like Hugh Grant under the pretext of a post-Murdoch clean up, but is really because a Free Press is too free, as MPs learned during the Parliamentary expenses scandal. Mrs Miller appears to be have skin in this game too, according to the Telegraph:

Mr Murdoch and his Sun newspaper saved Britain from the Euro single-handed, and when asked by Commons Committee chair Keith Vaz MP how he felt being so close to Gordon Brown and his minions (one of whom even changed Murdoch’s child’s nappies) Murdoch said “I wished they’d leave me alone”.

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