Julia Baird - Christians are Pharisees when not supporting Homosexual marriage

Most things written by ABC journalist and Fairfax columnist Julia Baird are thoughtful and compelling. Most. She is an important voice - and a Christian one, at that - in this country. Yet by definition she is a progressive Christian. Progressive Christians tend to be more cultural non-Bible believing people. But she is mistaken in her recent claim that the strong Yes vote in the same-sex marriage postal vote should be interpreted as "a triumph for the grassroots sitting in the church pews" against the " Pharisees and publicly pious Church leaders." Baird offers here the mirror-image of the once-popular Christian " moral majority " argument, presenting one's preferences as the "true" intent of Jesus and the "real" opinion of most sincere believers. Hers, however, is a "progressive majority" argument. And it is pitched, of course, against the judgemental, pharisaic leaders of the church - like me, I suppose. Bu...