Feminist fights for NO Vote because they hate marriage

The same-sex marriage campaign makes me wonder when my fellow Australian lesbians lost their political backbone? Where's the sparky radicalism of the gay and lesbian community ? When did chasing after marriage become our life's work? Or for that matter any feminists ' work? For feminist Marriage = Patriarchy . Our heterosexual sisters must be wondering why we're so keen to dignify an institution – which for so many women has led to violence from their partners and drudgery for themselves. They surely notice the hypocrisy; lesbians becoming cheerleaders for an institution which has caused so many so much pain. We get the "gold rings and honeymoon" appeal of marriage; but I feel embarrassed for our collective selves that the public now sees us as grovelling for the chance to wear white wedding dresses . How are women going to recognise lesbianism as an alternative to heterosexuality, if they don't see us protesting against institutions that ...