Gay Irish Prime Minister leads New York St. Patrick’s Parade with male partner

The newly elected gay Prime Minister of Ireland marched at the head of New York City ’s 257th St. Patrick’s Day Parade . Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar was wedged between his homosexual partner, Matt Barrett , and pro-LGBT Democrat Governor of New York , Andrew Cuomo as they paraded up 5th Avenue . The Prime Minister also attended Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral where he was greeted by New York ’s Cardinal Dolan. View image on Twitter Leo Varadkar ✔ @campaignforleo Honoured to meet Cardinal Timothy Dolan and his nephew at the # StPatricksDay Mass in NY 12:07 AM - Mar 18, 2018 206 48 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy It is unknown whether or not the openly gay head of state was offered and received communion. Among the 150,000 marchers were two groups carrying banners identifying themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, according to a ...