UK students oust reps for gay men from LGBT societies: aren’t ‘oppressed’ enough

Cracks in LGBT unity emerged at a national conference in the United Kingdom , where lesbian, transgender, and gay university students from racial minorities charged male, white homosexuals with sexism and worse, recommending they lose their automatic seats on the councils of the movement. The annual conference of the National Union of Students LGBT+ wing exposed apparently deep-seated resentments of male, white homosexuals and their dominant place within the movement, reported PinkNews , passing a motion that denounced them for their sins and calling on local university branches of the organization to remove their automatic seats on LGBT+ governing bodies. “ Gay men do not face oppression as gay men within the LGBT+ community and do not need a reserved place on society committees.” The wordy preamble to the same motion stated, in part, that “Misogyny, transphobia, racism and biphobia are often present in LGBT+ societies. This is unfortunately more likely to occur whe...