The gay agenda will change our culture dramatically

The Most Rev. Anthony Fisher , O.P., Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney , delivered the Acton Lecture on Religion and Freedom at the Centre for Independent Studies on Wednesday, 14 October 2015. The year is 2025 - nine years after a plebiscite narrowly approved same-sex "marriage" and Parliament amended the Marriage Act and many other laws to remove all references to "a man and a woman," "husband and wife" and "mother and father." After an initial flurry of rather colourful same-sex "weddings," numbers have now plateaued to only a few hundred each year. Sociologists debate the long-term effects on public understandings of marriage and family. Certainly there have been political ramifications: no major party allows dissenters on this issue; this caused some significant haemorrhaging from Parliament before the 2019 election; even for most "independents," going against "the tide of hist...