Self centered homosexual politicians - lower people's trust

A glance at today’s headlines shows that same-sex marriage is tearing our political class apart . For an issue that doesn’t even register as a concern with the average punter – it is number 16 on the priority list for the left-leaning GetUp! supporters – it is dominating politics. It is even threatening Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership . At a time when most people are concerned about rising electricity prices, our political discourse has been hi-jacked by activists and their supporters in the media. Yes, poll results show support for same-sex marriage but people don’t want to be called bigots and have not thought through the consequences of change. They give a soft and uniformed “yes” to pollsters. That is why supporters of same-sex marriage are desperate to keep the Australian people from voting on the issue in the privacy of a polling booth where they can’t be branded “homophobes”. Same-sex marriage is of course not about marriage. A wise man once said “the issue is ...