Facebook says ‘mistake’ led to ban of Christian mom who criticized homosexuality, but she’s not buying it

Facebook has apologized to The Activist Mommy and restored her access, but Elizabeth Johnston is still upset with the social media platform for freezing her page in the first place over her posts on the Bible 's condemnation of homosexuality . “They apologized and said it was a mistake, but I don’t think it is sincere,” she told LifeSite News. “How can it be a mistake?” As she told a sympathizer on her site, “They made it quite clear I violated their rules.” “I have brothers and sisters who have been marginalized by Facebook,” she said. “My getting an apology from Facebook doesn’t solve the problem.” Facebook also responded to LifeSiteNews. Public relations officer Arielle Argyres emailed to say, “Sorry for the delay on this – for your background, this was a mistake. Her posts should be restored and she should be able to use her account normally.” Argyres has not responded to a follow-up question as to whether an algorithm or a human agent made the “mistake.” Joh...