Legal battle ‘brewing’ over adoption agencies being forced to give kids to gay couples

For now, Christian bakers have received a reprieve from being forced to participate in same-sex “weddings,” but it remains to be seen whether the Supreme Court will force religious adoption agencies to place children with gay couples. Nine states have laws protecting the rights of religious adoption agencies, the New York Times reports, but a legal fight is “already brewing” in some of those states. Nine other states “have laws that specifically prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in adoption or foster care or both.” “Legal challenges to those laws, some pending in lower courts, eventually could come to the Supreme Court,” the Times predicted. “The high court's ruling on narrow grounds in favor of baker Jack Phillips did not spell out the circumstances under which religious objections to discrimination claims would have legal merit.” Some of the laws protecting religious adoption agencies from being forced to let same-sex couples adopt kids were passed after th...