
Showing posts with the label S. E. Cupp

Dishonest Media overwhelming bias towards immoral homosexual marriage

Cliff Kincaid, Director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, accurately notes how dishonestly our movement has been covered by the mainstream media : Significant news came out of last Tuesday's March for Marriage demonstration in Washington, D.C. But it didn't make "news" in the major media. As one who covered the event, it was significant that there were so many members of minority groups. This was not a mostly white crowd. In addition to the presence of black, Hispanic and Asian supporters of traditional marriage , there were some notable Democrats, such as New York State Senator Ruben Díaz, and he let people know he was several minorities in one. [...] J.C. Derrick [of WORLD magazine] has a good analysis of how the major media, led by The Washington Post , virtually ignored the March for Marriage. But unless you actually see what happened on the ground, as the thousands of traditional marriage supporters held their demonstration, you w...