Tennis Legend Dumped From Club - LGBT radicals

Australian tennis legend and long-time pro-traditional marriage supporter, Margaret Court has been officially dumped by her local tennis club, because she doesn't support radical LGBT agenda. Court who has lost her re-election for the position of vice-patron of her local tennis club in Perth believes her removal from the position is an attempt to silence her on the issue of immoral same-sex marriage and the move was “politically motivated.” The 75-year-old who believes that LGBTI radical want marriage “because they want to destroy it,” said that “You don’t have the freedom of speech today to really defend yourself,” when speaking to the West Australian on her re-election loss. “It’s a sad day for our nation when it comes to that,” Court added. Tennis club president Ian Hutton agrees that Court’s views on same-sex marriage have made an effect on how her re-election attempt has played out. People are fearful of an LGBT radical backlash, so they do the next best thing - dispo...