Christian teacher suspended for ‘misgendering’ female students

A teacher has been suspended and may lose his job because he accidentally called a girl a “girl.” “This case is one of a flood of cases we are encountering where teachers are finding themselves silenced or punished if they refuse to fall in line with the current transgender fad,” the Christian Legal Center’s Andrea Williams said . “If we collude in the transgender delusion, we do not serve our children well, we harm them.” Joshua Sutcliffe taught math to junior and senior high students at Stonewall schools , which are committed “to tackling homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.” His pupils outperformed every other class in the subject. A Christian, Sutcliffe respected the school’s pro-transgender policy by referring to all students by their chosen name. He avoided using “Xe,” “Xir,” “They,” or any gender-specific pronouns . “I have a deep conviction that we are all made in God’s image, male and female,” Sutcliffe explained . However, “I have nev...