Australia: Homosexual Hypocrisy

Every day we see this rank hypocrisy in action. Let me just share a few of the obvious examples. The homosexual activists have screamed for decades now, “Keep the state out of our bedrooms”. Ha, there is no other group so intent on dragging the state into our bedrooms – and every other private and public place – than the homosexual militants. And then there is the homosexual agenda being daily rammed down our throats throughout the media, popular culture, academia, and the public square. They call this the right of free speech. But when our side dares to make our case anywhere in the public arena, all of a sudden it is no longer free speech but bigotry, hatred, homophobia and intolerance. Hypocrisy much? We actually had the Tasmania Anti-Discrimination Commissioner coming out saying that something like homosexual marriage should not be left to the “whims of the majority”. How very democratic. You want the masses to just sit down and shut up while you dictate what social policies ...