Australia: Free speech debate flares

A NEW battleground in the marriage equality debate has opened up as the State Government moves closer to changing the Anti-Discrimination Act. The Act outlaws people from doing anything that “offends” on the basis of race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and other attributes. Christian groups, fearful of being hauled before the courts for expressing traditional religious beliefs, are urging this section of the Act be removed. However the Greens say the change could see an increase in “hate speech” as the country heads to a plebiscite on marriage equality. “The Premier has caved in to opponents of marriage equality and is overseeing changes … that will weaken protections for LGBTI Tasmanians in the lead up to the Liberals’ planned plebiscite,” Greens leader Cassy O’Conner said. But Australian Christian Lobby state director Mark Brown said other parts of the Act prevented hate speech and the current law would not allow for “respectful” debate on marriage equality. He pointed ...