Faith protections doomed under YES to Homosexual Marriage

John Howard is warning that broad protections for religious freedoms are unlikely to pass the Senate if the Yes vote wins, following Labor’s decision to back a same-sex marriage bill proposed by West Australian Liberal senator Dean Smith . The former prime minister — a key campaigner against gay marriage — argued the decision by Labor to lock in behind Senator Smith’s bill was an “added reason” for Australians to vote No in the $122 million postal survey. Mr Howard told The Australian the protections offered in Senator Smith’s bill provided only the “bare minimum” in terms of religious protections, saying a Yes outcome could force faith-based schools, charities and social-service providers to close or change the way they operate. “My position has been clear all along that I think the government should have spelt out what it had in mind,” Mr Howard said. “If the government continues to take the stance they’ll just facilitate a private member’s bill, it’s difficult to see a private ...