Robyn Whitaker and William Loader - incorrect on Sodom and homosexualitry

With Australia facing a vote on homosexual marriage the ABC obtained two liberal theologians and posted a very misleading article entitled: To Christians arguing ‘no’ on marriage equality: the Bible is not decisive The two liberal authors then claimed superiority regarding their argument. But it was a Big Lie ! In other words, we have checked archaeology, philosophy, and wait for it ....historically grounded Biblical interpretation . (They are reading directly out of Boswell's Hymn Book not the Bible) "What follows represents a summary of critical biblical scholarship on the issue. Critical biblical scholarship draws on a range academic disciplines including literary criticism, archaeology, history, philology, and social science to offer the most plausible, historically grounded interpretation of the Bible. It is not simply a matter of personal belief or citing official church doctrine. Australian scholars are among leaders in the field when it comes to sexualit...