Obama promoted LGBT at Easter Egg Roll. Trump defended the family instead

Most people think of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll as a special event for children, but under the Obama presidency , it took on a dual political purpose as another excuse to promote sexually aberrant "LGBT" lifestyles and "gay parenting." That didn’t happen this year at the first official Easter Egg Roll held under President Trump, and some LGBTQ activists are hoping that’s only because Trump is just getting started. The Egg Roll was held Monday on the White House lawn and drew an estimated 18,000 people . Gays miss Obama ’s advocacy Liberal news sources and websites that spend a lot of time condemning Trump found more to criticize in his team’s handling of its first official Easter Egg Roll. Prior to the event, The New York Times ran an article about how behind the Trump team allegedly was in pulling it together. And after it, the vulgar Right-bashing site Wonkette used its “coverage” of the Easter Egg Roll to trash the presiden...