Australia: Leader quits Australian Marriage Equality to oppose plebiscite

Croome says there is ‘no split in the marriage equality movement’ but there is a ‘spectrum of different approaches.' But obviously there is a split. The homosexual rights campaigner Rodney Croome has quit as national director of Australian Marriage Equality (AME) to lobby parliamentarians to block the homosexual marriage plebiscite enabling legislation so Australians cannot express their opinion on immoral homosexual marriage. This is typical LGBT agenda. Croome, who founded AME in 2004, announced his departure in an opinion piece, accusing those who believe a plebiscite is inevitable of “lacking political imagination” and declaring blocking it could force a free vote in parliament on same-sex marriage. This man has being pushing this agenda for years. LGBT refuse to take no for an answer because they seek to push, shove, manipulate their agenda regardless of other people view and opinions. After reports of a growing difference of opinion on tactics for achieving marriage equali...