The ongoing negative effects of same-sex marriage

The same-sex marriage debate Most Australians love Jesus’ teaching that we should “do unto others”. It’s a good thing to do. Jesus’ teaching that “no man has greater love than that he lay down his life” is seen as a very good thing. You’ll find it set in stone on lots of ANZAC monuments in our towns and suburbs. And Jesus’ teaching on marriage is something we all respect too: “What God has joined together, let no one tear asunder”. We all somehow know that’s right. Jesus said that the way marriage has been from the beginning is that a man leaves his mother and father, he is joined to a woman and the two become one flesh. So faithfulness is a good thing. Enduring together is a good thing. And a partnership between people of the opposite sex is a good thing. We shouldn’t tear apart a good thing that God has put together. Once this was obvious stuff for Australians. Now Australians are hearing voices say marriage isn’t about a man and a woman; that gender doesn’t matter at all ...