Homosexuals Advocates call Australia - bloody backwards

Homosexual advocate: It’s time Australia stopped being so bloody backward. New homosexual marketing tries to manipulate moral thinking but fails! Cath Flack-Crane says her daughter shouldn’t have to wait for politicians to pull their finger out so she can live the life she chooses. In other words, all politicians should support my lesbian immoral lifestyle choice . All politicians should 'pull their finger out' and pass any legislation that I want! The homosexual lobby are trying to appeal through a new TV advertisement to the public that homosexual sin isnt sin but it is moral, clean, worthy, even righteous. But nobody believes it. But they tried! They involves mums and dads, a Vietnamese grandmother, a couple of straight mates and even a pair of gay beef farmers to promote and push sodomy onto all Australians . Homosexual campaigners will launch a new TV commercial — to be broadcast on channels 7, 9 and 10 and Foxtel — seeking to portray 'ordinary' Austral...