No answers to genuine questions

I was leaving a meeting near the White House when a young woman wearing an “Equality” shirt asked if she could speak to me for a moment about an important bill. This is a rough transcript of what followed once I agreed to chat with her. The tone was friendly throughout on both sides. Are People Really Fired For Being Gay or Lesbian? She: “I’m with the Human Rights Campaign, and I’d like to talk with you about an important bill that’s being discussed right now. We’re concerned about equality.” Me: “Actually, I’m on the HRC’s list of people exporting hate to the nations because I’m concerned about the religious freedoms of Christians. Are you concerned with discrimination against Christians too?” She: “Yes, I am.” Me: “You know, Christians around the world are being persecuted for their faith, and even here in America, there’s an attack on our freedoms.” She: “Yes, well, that’s important. But we’re concerned here with discrimination against LGBT people becaus...