The Apostle Paul is very clear he is speaking of homosexuality not pederasty

Objection Stated Paul is only speaking of pederasty here, not of adult homosexual relationships , and hence the passage is misused when applied to homosexuality. This is the viewpoint expressed by Robin Scroggs in his work The New Testament and Homosexuality. It is commonly repeated in liberal theological institutions. Biblical Response Paul speaks of “males with males committing indecent acts.” He does not say “men with boys” (and there are appropriate Greek words that Paul could have employed if he meant to communicate this idea), nor does the text give the slightest hint that this should be read into it as an assumption. The desire expressed is mutual between both the lesbians of Romans 1:26 and the homosexual males of Romans 1:27; that is, there is no evidence whatsoever that this is written in reference to pederastic relation ships . Indeed, the mutual kind of desire seen in these verses utterly refutes the simplistic assertion that these words are to be limited to ...