Number of British kids treated for gender confusion jumped 1000% in last five years

The number of children being treated by the National Health Service for gender dysphoria has increased by 1,000 percent over the past five years, according to a story in the London Sun . The paper reports that at the NHS Tavistock and Portman clinic where all UK transgender patients under 18 are treated, “their families are given counselling and, in some instances, [the patients are given] hormone blocking treatments” as preparation for a possible “sex change” after 18. “Last month it was revealed a five-year-old boy returned to school in Nottinghamshire as a girl,” the Sun added. “They should be getting psychotherapy,” Dr. Joseph Berger, a leading Canadian psychiatrist, told LifeSiteNews. “These children are unhappy for a variety of reasons. They should be treated for their unhappiness. Cutting off penises and breasts is not the treatment for unhappiness.” The Sun reported that the number of youth being treated for gender dysphoria had climbed from 97 in 2010 to 1013 ...