Australia: Labor Leader changes his mind of homosexual marriage vote

Australia: Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has been forced to clarify his position again on the merits of a plebiscite to decide on legalising immoral homosexual marriage in the wake of a video showing his support for the plebiscite in 2013. This potential PM is seen to be The Australian has obtained the video of Mr Shorten addressing the Australian Christian Lobby in his electorate of Maribyrnong, days before the last federal election. At the time, he said he was "Completely relaxed about having some form of plebiscite. I would rather that the people of Australia could make their view clear on this, than leaving this issue to 150 people." When questioned on the comments today, he said there had been significant social developments since 2013. "Community attitudes have moved on in Australia, I think that is a demonstrable fact, [and] secondly when you look at the experience in Ireland, over a year ago, some of the arguments which emerged w...