
Showing posts with the label Margaret

Scottish Catholic adoption agency threatened with closure over gay adoption

Another British Catholic adoption agency is being threatened with closure by the government for refusing to toe the government’s line of support for the homosexualist political agenda. St. Margaret ’s Children and Family Care Society, associated with the Catholic archdiocese of Glasgow, has lost a ruling in its argument with the Scottish government’s charity regulator, which is demanding the charity drop its policy of adopting only to mothers and fathers who have been married for at least two years.  The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has found St. Margaret’s in violation of the Equality Act 2010 , saying that its policy "discriminated unlawfully" against same-sex couples. St. Margaret’s is remaining defiant, however, saying that they will fight the decision. The Christian Institute campaign group quoted a St. Margaret’s board member saying,  “The ultimate irony is that apparently in the name of tolerance, societies such as Saint Marg...