Homosexual orientation and attraction examined through scripture

Many good resources concerning the Bible and homosexuality have emerged over the past five years. Two of the more popular volumes are Kevin DeYoung ’s What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? (Crossway 2015) and Sam Alberry’s Is God Anti-Gay? (Good Book Company 2013). Each of these books has proven to be helpful for Christians seeking better to understand our own faith and the ongoing war against sin. The thrust of these volumes is to understand the biblical position concerning homosexuality. For authors Denny Burk and Heath Lambert, the time has arrived for moving the conversation another step forward. According to Burk and Lambert, evangelicals share a consistent conviction that homosexual practice is sinful according to the Scriptures. Division now is taking place at the level of attraction, desire, and temptation. The evangelical conversation must address whether or not same-sex attraction is sinful. In their own description of this volume, P&R Publishing sa...