
Showing posts with the label Peter Sprigg

Betty Crocker joins push for gay redefinition of ‘family’

Famed homemaking company Betty Crocker once promoted couples making up over a cake. Now, the 90-year old company says it is adjusting to the times by promoting all relationships -- including homosexual couples and cohabitating couples -- as equal to married couples with children. The change in Betty Crocker's focus became well known in August 2013, when the company – a subsidiary of General Mills , which supports same-sex "marriage” -- released  a video  promoting same-sex couples. At the same time, it  provided cakes  to homosexual couples who "married" in Minnesota after the ceremony was allowed. Last month, Betty Crocker donated cakes to couples at the Twin Cities Pride Parade , and an employee group marched in the Parade. It also  partnered  with New America, a left-of-center think tank, to put out a survey the company says aimed "to gain a first-person point of view on what it means to be a homemaker in America today -- and how those roles a...

Relationship problems, not family rejection, leading cause of higher gay suicides: study

NATHAN, Queensland, Australia , May 30, 2014  – While many assume that family rejection is the leading cause of depression among LBGTI individuals, a new study has found that in fact the problem appears to stem predominantly from the higher incidence of relationship problems among homosexuals .  Dr. Delaney Skerrett led a team of researchers from the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP) in studying suicides in Queensland. He found that a leading cause of suicide among “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex” ( LGBTI ) people is stress from their romantic partners. The study found that “LGBT individuals experienced relationship problems more often” than heterosexuals, “with relationship conflict also being more frequent than in non‐LGBT cases.” “We tend to assume that the psychological distress LGBTI people are often going through is due to family rejection. But it seems that’s not so much the case. The conflict seems to be l...

Obama administration says Title IX anti-sex discrimination law covers transgender people

 In the latest of a series of moves to  promote the transgender political agenda  through the use of  executive powers , the Obama administration has said  that the federal Title IX civil rights provisions intended to stop discrimination against women programs apply to transgender people. Designed to prevent discrimination on the “basis of sex,”  Title IX funding  – formally known as Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education – came into being in 1972. The funding has been used to prevent sexism in hiring, college athletics, and all other areas where sex discrimination could potentially occur. Transgender advocates proclaimed the administration's decision as a major move. Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Director for the National Center for Transgender Equality , said that the "announcement is a breakthrough for transgender students, who too often face hostility at school and refusal by school officials to accept them for who they truly are."...

‘Bringing people together’? Conservatives say gay ‘wedding’ at Rose Bowl was extreme

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 3, 2014  – Pro-family activists are criticizing the Tournament of Roses Association (TRA) for letting two homosexual men use a float in the annual Rose Parade to conduct a gay "wedding" ceremony. The TRA allowed its parade “to be used to make a political statement in favor of a radical and controversial cause: the redefinition of marriage ,"  Family Research Council  Senior Fellow for Policy Studies Peter Sprigg told Sprigg also criticized the AIDS Healthcare Foundation for sponsoring the float on which the “marriage” took place, telling LifeSiteNews, “it is clear that  the single change which would do the most to reduce the impact of AIDS would be for men to abstain from ever engaging in sexual relations with other men .” The Foundation  says  it is “the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S.” and has “the sole aim of saving more lives.” In November 2013, the Center for Disease Co...

The myth of being born gay

Are people ever born with conditions that are not normal and sometimes harmful? Is there any difference between sexual desires (“orientation”) and sexual behavior? Should people act on every desire they have? Homosexuals are born as males or females, so why should they follow their desires but not the design of their bodies?  Some homosexuals insist that they have had homosexual desires as long as they can remember. Somehow this is supposed to prove that these desires are the result of nature not nurture. But this argument ultimately fails to justify homosexual behavior or any behavior for that matter.  First, notice that “born-that-way” is an argument from nature or design: “Since I was designed with these desires, I ought to act on them.” The people who say this normally presume that the Designer is God . 63   But if you insist that God designed your desires, then you cannot deny He designed your body as well.  This raises the question to homosexuals who make thi...

Parents support 11-year-old gender confused daughter to go back to school as a boy

EDMONTON, Alberta, September 3, 2013 ( ) - An 11-year-old girl is going back to school this week in the persona of a boy with the help of her parents and a homosexual activist from the University of Alberta. When Wrenna Kauffman, who now calls herself Wren, began showing signs of gender confusion, her parents contacted  Kristopher Wells , a homosexual activist from the University of Alberta's Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services, who advised them that their daughter should be allowed to start living life at home as a boy.  Wrenna's parents allowed her to be interviewed by  CTV News , where she said she always wanted to be a boy and that her body caused her to feel "like you're trapped inside someone else's body that you don't want to be in."  According to a  Canadian Press  report, Wells told the parents that "more students these days are not just coming out in school as gay but also as transgender or trans...

When Christians become a 'hated minority'

( CNN ) - When Peter Sprigg speaks publicly about his opposition to homosexuality, something odd often happens. During his speeches, people raise their hands to challenge his assertions that the Bible condemns homosexuality, but no Christians speak out to defend him. “But after it is over, they will come over to talk to me and whisper in my ear, ‘I agree with everything you said,’" says Sprigg, a spokesman for The Family Research Council , a powerful, conservative Christian lobbying group. We’ve heard of the “down-low” gay person who keeps his or her sexual identity secret for fear of public scorn. But Sprigg and other evangelicals say changing attitudes toward homosexuality have created a new victim: closeted Christians who believe the Bible condemns homosexuality but will not say so publicly for fear of being labeled a hateful bigot. As proof, Sprigg points to the backlash that ESPN commentator Chris Broussard sparked recently. Broussard was called a bigot and a purveyor o...