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Judge overturns Tennessee ban on same-sex ‘marriage’: true marriage laws are historical ‘footnotes’

ATLANTA, GA , March 17, 2014 ( ) – A federal judge on Friday issued an injunction temporarily blocking enforcement of Tennessee’s constitutional ban on same-sex “marriage,” noting in her decision that she believes laws defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman will soon be nothing more than historical “footnotes.” “At this point, all signs indicate that, in the eyes of the United States Constitution , [same-sex] marriages will be placed on an equal footing with those of heterosexual couples and that proscriptions against same-sex marriage will soon become a footnote in the annals of American history,” wrote Judge Aleta Trauger .  Trauger’s order means that the state must recognize – at least for now – the “marriages” of three homosexual couples who married in states where the practice is legal and have sued to overturn the 2006 ban.  The order currently applies only to those directly involved in the case. Republican Gov. Bill Haslam’