The Lie: Coming Out as gay - forces sinful homosexual to be seen as normal

As Gregory Woods notes in A History of Gay Literature, queerness has been here from the beginning, and shall be here in the end, alongside heterosexuality. But the Bible affirms that sexual sin came from the fall of humanity of Adam and Eve. It is the result of sin and our sin nature. Homosexuality only recently started to assert itself, with campaigns in Britain during the 1950s and 60s demanding the decriminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting adults in private. Why were homosexual acts criminalized for 1000's years? The arrival of Postmodernism - where we all have our own personal truths and personal rights and wrongs. Postmoderism contradicts natural law, Biblical law plus science and evolution. Most dangerous - yet we only apply that to morals and not gravity or standing in fronts of a speeding car. After the Stonewall riots in 1969, the early gay liberation movement began to demand more comprehensive change – the probl...