Psychology Today bans ads for treatment of unwanted same-sex attraction
Under heavy pressure from homosexual activists, Psychology Today magazine has banned all advertising for practitioners who offer services to help people rid themselves of unwanted same-sex attraction and develop healthy sexual desire for the opposite sex. The therapy, known as "sexual orientation change efforts” ( SOCE ), has been under fire by gay activists who assert it promotes the “dangerous” idea that sexual preference is a choice, not an inborn trait. So far, three states and the District of Columbia have been persuaded to ban the practice outright for minors, and gay activists are working to convince additional states and the federal government to do the same. In the meantime, the homosexual advocacy group HRC ( Human Rights Campaign ) has been pressuring Psychology Today , which lists tens of thousands of therapists in its directory, to bar SOCE practitioners from advertising their services there. “By offering a venue for these medically...