The transgender suicide epidemic: is accepting their confusion really the answer?

People who suffer from gender confusion are encouraged by the current cultural climate to "be themselves," meaning reject the gender they were born with. "Transgender" teens are taught that what they feel is who they are and that to be happy and fulfilled, they must become the opposite sex. When Bruce Jenner decided to publicly look like a woman, he was supported by the mass media . Even the president of the United States , when Jenner decided to have castration surgery, applauded him as a "courageous" hero. But studies repeatedly show that "transgender" people who seek to become the opposite sex are in fact not happy or fulfilled. In fact, a life-or-death internal war is continually going on within, to the degree that many, if not most, seek to end their lives. That's what the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Williams Institute found when the foundation analyzed results from the National Transgender Discrimin...