Judge won't hear gay adoptions because it's not in a child's 'best interest'

ARE HOMOSEXUAL MEN WHO ADOPT - IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE KIDS? NO LOUISVILLE --- A family court judge who sits in Barren and Metcalfe counties has announced he will no longer hear adoption cases involving “homosexual parties” because he believes allowing a gay person to adopt could never be in the child's best interest. This is a good thing and reflects what the majority of people historically and currently agree with - regardless of fake LGBT limited research claiming the opposite. Judge W. Mitchell Nance, who begins court each day by requiring everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance , said in an order this week that he would recuse himself from all adoptions involving gay people . Nance cited a judicial ethics rule that says a judge must disqualify himself when he has a personal bias or prejudice. He said in the order issued Thursday that “as a matter of conscience” he believes that “under no circumstance” would “the best interest of the child be promoted by the a...