Around the world, June should be anything but ‘Pride or Sodomy Month’

Is there any religious, political, or another social group that secures – demands – the attention of the whole globe for an entire month? Just one: The LGBT Cabal – the elite coterie of persons who wage war daily against natural law and nature’s God. Around the world, in almost every nation, June is “Pride Month.” For 30 days the world’s billions are expected to remain in the thrall of LGBT ideology and its adherents. Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, recently issued a statement on Twitter warning Catholics about events that celebrate gay pride month. "Catholics should be very wary of events in the June LGBTQ month. It’s not a fun-filled, family-friendly celebration of respect. It promotes a lifestyle and agenda that, in the extreme, is morally offensive." Why hasn’t every bishop sounded the alarm as Bishop Tobin has? Let’s face it: The term "Pride Month" as used by gays is a euphemism, a ruse. June is more appropriately called “ Sodomy Month ,...