Ireland: All Religious Freedom gone - Homosexual must be employed in Faith Schools, charities and hospitals

Church Schools and Church hospitals, Charities, adoption agencies, Bible Colleges, church institutions, churches- will not be able to discriminate over sexuality, Minister says. A planned change to equality gay law will “raise the bar” so high that Church schools and Church hospitals will not be allowed to discriminate against staff or job applicants because they are homosexual, Minister of State for Equality Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said. The Government is working on an amendment to the Employment Equality Act, which allows religious-run schools and hospitals to discriminate in order to maintain their ethos. Homosexual groups say the law has an effect on homosexual and lesbian teachers, who feel their sexuality could hinder employment or promotion prospects. Mr Ó Ríordáin said he believed an attempt to repeal section 37.1 of the Act, which gives religious-run workplaces an exemption to discrimination law if an individual undermines their ethos, could be unconstitutional . Inst...