Landmark Study Shows Trauma Treatment Significantly Alters Sexual Attraction

Surprising results challenge our assumptions about how fluid sexual attractions are. A new large-scale, peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Human Sexuality demonstrates that sexual attraction fluidity exploration in therapy significantly decreases unwanted sexual behaviors while improving psychological well-being. Researchers examined 75 adult males who reported same-sex attractions and wished to explore their sexual attraction fluidity. Participants worked with certified therapists using Reintegrative Therapy, a treatment method that seeks to identify and resolve past traumatic memories. “Actively attempting to change one’s sexuality might interfere with this process. Instead, we encourage clients to resolve memories they identify as being traumatic. As we support them through this journey, we let whatever happens naturally happen,” said Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Jr., a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of the Reintegrative Therapy Association, a nonprofit scientific organiz...