More unmarried couples with children breaking up than married couples for first time

Homosexual want marriage but not really for love or equality but recognition and acceptance and lust. Their relationships are barren, against biological design, filled with fear of no not really a safe marriage. Homosexuals are using marriage for their own purpose - recognition. Marriage can't give that even today it is a false concept. Heterosexual don't want marriage because they want to have sex with no commitments- no ties, no responsibilities - pretend marriage! Hollywood promotes sex between a man and a woman as normal, healthy and fun. It never shows disease or broken people. Hollywood never portrays sex outside marriage even a co-habitation arrangement as a bad thing. But now statistics clearly show the damage. The church states that any and all sexual activity, outside of marriage as sinful, destructive to people and their relationship with God. But God has been ignored. Marriage has be slaughtered by Hollywood and le...