God made me homosexual

But this is the way that God made me. Those who assert the compatibility of their homosexuality with biblical morality claim that their condition is due to nature, not nurture. They want others to believe that their homosexuality is a matter of genetics . Biblical Response This book is designed to deal with arguments for homosexuality that are supposedly derived from the Bible, and we have dealt with the passages that are concerned with this topic. While an in-depth consideration of the scientific data on this topic is far beyond the scope of this book, we do have two responses to make. First, the data is inconclusive to prove that a predisposition to homosexuality is genetic—it simply has not been proven. And secondly, even if homosexuality were due to one’s nature, caused by the way one is made, this says nothing about the moral acceptability of the practice. Those who assert that homosexuality is simply a matter of genetics must deal with the fact that there is a vast differen...