Powerful video shows victory of Panamanian people over gender ideology ‘education’

A powerful video produced by Panamanian pro-family activist Jibaro Artz brings to life the struggle of Panamanian families to resist the imposition of gender ideology education in their country. The video records the multitudinous protests that drew tens of thousands of families to the streets of Panama on July 13 to express their rejection of a draft bill known as “Law 61,” which would have mandated that Panamanians schools indoctrinate students in gender ideology and impose explicit “sexuality education.” After the march, several representatives from the protesters entered the National Assembly to communicate to legislators their objections to Law 61. The president of the Assembly and other deputies capitulated to the protesters and agreed to return the law to the Work, Health, and Development Committee rather than pass it on for debate by the full Assembly. “We made history!” the video’s voiceover declares. “Day and night, in the rain, before politicians, before ...