
Showing posts with the label Wayne Besen

Illinois rejects ban on reparative therapy for minors with same-sex attraction

SPRINGFIELD, IL , April 17, 2014 ( ) – The Illinois House voted last week to reject a bill that would have banned  reparative therapy  for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction ( SSA ).  It is the fifth state to vote down a ban on the practice in recent months, following high profile debates over the issue in  California  and  New Jersey , which both instated bans last year. Christopher Doyle , an ex-gay activist and president of  Voice of the Voiceless ,  said  following the vote that he thought the decision was a win for free speech and individual medical rights. “It’s clear that even the most progressive states do not want to pass laws that take away the rights of individuals when the foundation of such legislation is based on lies and misinformation,” Doyle said. “There is not one research study published in the scientific peer-reviewed literature that has studied the outcomes of minors undergoing SOCE [Se...

Former homosexual activist marries a woman and ligbitists go nuts

Michael Glatze , a former gay activist , marries a woman, and the ligbitists go nuts.  This was forwarded from World Net Daily . This one recounts the complications surrounding Michael Glatze, a gay youth activist who ended up having a Christian conversion experience, and is now marrying a woman: I am not going to link to pictures of him and his wife, because I know how vicious the ligbitists can be, and it seems he never intended for those personal pictures to get out onto the web anyway. Someone I haven't heard about in a while -- Wayne Besen -- has apparently popped up into the discourse again, this time waging a crusade against Michael Glatze to prove that he's lying and his marriage is destined for misery. This vignette of nasty harridans going after an easy target has been done many times, but this scene from  Cinderella   sums up Wayne Besen and his legion of queen bees (just imagine Wa...

Ministry study shows effectiveness of counselling in reducing homosexuality

According to the survey, which was released Friday, 55 percent of those who sought out this kind of counselling experienced SSA with less intensity and frequency than before they received help. Additionally, 71 percent of those surveyed said they were either "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the counselling they received. "Hundreds of people are telling us their counselling worked, they benefited significantly, it helped them feel better about themselves -- and in some cases it even saved their lives," said Rich Wyler , founder and director of People Can Change, in a statement. "Their voices have been largely silenced or ignored by pro-gay activists and mainstream media in favour of a more politically correct view, but the experience of these men and women is real. It is valid. They can tell you from firsthand experience that counselling to reduce homosexuality can be effective, even life-saving. Their voluntary choice to pursue change deserves ...

No more male or female?

, American religious figure. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hakuna Matata , “don’t worry”: same-sex marriage will not harm ordinary marriage. But way back in 1970, the Gay Revolution Party Manifesto declared: “The gay revolution will produce a world in which all social and sensual relationships will be gay and in which homo- and heterosexuality will be incomprehensible terms.” In other words, the biblical terms for the sexual binary (male/female) will have become “incomprehensible.” Impossible, you may say, but forty-two years later: a gender-neutral pronoun has been proposed for use in Sweden’s public schools; “M” and “F” are disappearing from birth certificates and passport applications in Western countries , and; “parent A” and “parent B” are replacing mother and father. While some Christians downplay the discussion of sexuality in order to survive more comfortably in today’s context, pagans, on the contrary, see its immense importance. In the twentieth century, Carl...

23 gay rights leaders condemn Family Research Council shooting

Logo of the Family Research Council. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, August 15, 2012 ( ) – Twenty-three organizations supporting gay rights have condemned a shooting at the Family Research Council headquarters Wednesday morning, saying that although the motive of the attack hasn’t been clearly established, the leaders “utterly reject and condemn” such violence. “We were saddened to hear news of the shooting this morning at the offices of the Family Research Council. Our hearts go out to the shooting victim, his family, and his co-workers,” said the leaders in a statement Wednesday afternoon, hours after the shooting took place. One security guard employed by the pro-family conservative group was shot in the arm after confronting a heavily armed man who attempted to enter the group’s headquarters, reportedly while making inflammatory statements about FRC’s views. The suspected shooter is in custody, while the guard, identified as head security guard Le...

Homosexuals want to demean, sideline and then condemned to silence heterosexual marriage

Hakuna Matata, “don’t worry”: same-sex marriage will not harm ordinary marriage. But way back in 1970, the Gay Revolution Party Manifesto declared: “The gay revolution will produce a world in which all social and sensual relationships will be gay and in which homo- and heterosexuality will be incomprehensible terms.”  In other words, the biblical terms for the sexual binary (male/female) will have become “incomprehensible.” Impossible, you may say, but forty-two years later:· a gender-neutral pronoun has been proposed for use in Sweden’s public schools;· “M” and “F” are disappearing from birth certificates and passport applications in Western countries , and;· “parent A” and “parent B” are replacing mother and father. While some Christians downplay the discussion of sexuality in order to survive more comfortably in today’s context, pagans, on the contrary, see its immense importance. In the twentieth century, Carl Jung stated: “Sexuality is the sine qua no...

Sex in the City actress: ‘my homosexuality is a choice’

CHUCK COLSON February 14, 2012 ( ) - For years we have been told that homosexuality is something people are born with — like the color of one’s skin — and that it can’t be changed. Gay-rights activists insist this is so, because, they say, if people don’t choose to be gay, it would be wrong to discriminate against them in things like marriage, adoption, and legal benefits. And heaven help those who disagree. Just ask actress Cynthia Nixon , who in a recent New York Times Magazine article, had the gall to admit that she chose to be gay. Cynithia Nixon Nixon, who played one of the characters on the old “ Sex in the City ” television series, was involved in 15-year relationship with a man that produced two children. Now, however, Nixon has moved on to a so-called “gay” relationship with a woman. In the article, Nixon is quoted about her sexual life, “For me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define ...

I am an ex-gay, and I support Michele Bachmann and her husband

Why have gay activists instigated media attention over ex-gays and the husband of Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann ? Apparently, Mr. Bachmann, who has a PhD in clinical psychology, operates several counseling centers which also offer services to homosexual clients seeking to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions.   But because even one ex-gay proves that homosexual behavior is not innate or immutable, the gay lobby’s fear of their former members results in false claims and attacks aimed at preventing homosexuals from exercising their right to self-determination. They cannot bear to have even one homosexual leave homosexuality, hence their outrage at Dr. Bachmann. I know because I am ex-gay myself.  I suffer more harassment as a former homosexual than I ever did as an out and proud homosexual. The ex-gay community includes thousands of former homosexuals like myself who benefited from counseling.  We did not choose our homosexual feelings, but we did exe...

Rebellious priest and his gay pride Mass

Image via Wikipedia A Catholic parish and its pastor strongly allied with the gay rights movement in Boston have expressed frustration and defiance after their archdiocese put the kibosh on a much-anticipated “gay-friendly” Mass. Rev. John J. Unni, pastor of St.  Cecilia’s Church in the Back Bay, lashed out in Sunday’s sermon against Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s decision to forbid a Mass Unni had planned for next weekend to celebrate the homosexual community. “You are welcome here, gay or straight, rich or poor, young or old, black or white,’’ said Unni as he paced the center aisle, according to  the Boston Globe . “Here, you all can say, ‘I can worship the God who made me as I am.’ ’’ The sermon received a standing ovation from the parish, whose members are heavily involved in its “Rainbow Ministry” for homosexuals. More than 200 parishioners wore buttons with a cross, a rainbow, and the words “All Are Welcome,” the Globe reports. The mass, advertised with the theme “...