BBC pro-LGBT video: Holy Communion ‘tastes like cardboard, smells like hate’

British Catholic officials criticized an "offensive" BBC video on LGBT tolerance that says Holy Communion “tastes like cardboard” and “smells like hate.” BBC The Social, a social media outlet aimed at young adults managed by BBC Scotland , posted a video titled “Time for Love” on April 9 on Facebook and YouTube . The video dramatizes a young man’s response to his feeling restrained from kissing his male partner in a public park because of others’ views on same-sex relationships. It gives an unflattering portrayal of those in the park who react negatively toward the couple. The Facebook post introducing the video stated, “ This is how homophobia feels in 2018.” The video depicts a parody of the Eucharist at one point, with a priest elevating a cheese cracker. “Because it seems to me like Jesus saved a lot of time when he died for all our crimes that he would have wasted teaching small minds that love is no sin,” the narrator says. “See him, he thinks i...