National Surveys Show Decline in Support for Same-sex 'Marriage'

National Surveys Show Decline in Support for Same-sex 'Marriage' We reported last week about the phenomenal change in public opinion concerning the public's support for same-sex 'marriage' as documented by a national survey conducted by the Associated Press/Gfk . The AP/GfK survey found support for SSM down 6 points since April, and opposition up by 4 points — a combined 10 point swing in public opinion. Two other national polls have been released, both showing a similar trend. Ipsos/Reuters found in its most recent survey that 51% of adults support same-sex 'marriage,' down 3 points since April. And the latest Gallup poll showed support for same-sex 'marriage' at 58% with opposition at 40%. As we've pointed out previously , the support number is artificially high due to Gallup's use of the dubious practice of "priming" whereby they ask a leading question designed to elicit support for same-sex couples right before asking about ga...