Homosexual Churches twist Romans 1

The pro-homosexual, revisionist literature hardly presents a single coherent whole when it comes to its methods of “exegesis” and the conclusions it comes to. But there is one consistency in all the revisionist literature: an absolute refusal to allow for the possibility that the historical Christian viewpoint on the matter is correct. No matter what other conclusions are reached, the one that cannot be true is the one Christians have proclaimed from the beginning. This consideration alone is very telling. Objection Stated What is “natural” in Romans 1 is not what is “natural” in the sense of “ natural law ,” but what is “natural to me.” The reference is not to homosexuals but to heterosexuals who go beyond their natural bounds and engage in homosexuality. Thus John Boswell writes, On the other hand, it should be recognized that the point of the passage is not to stigmatize sexual behavior of any sort but to condemn the Gentiles for their general infidelity.…...