Catholic school more concerned about being transgender ‘positive’ than following Church teaching

A school in the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) appears to be more concerned about playing the part of a “positive and respectful community” on "transgender issues" than following Catholic teaching, according to an exchange of emails between a principal and teachers obtained through a Freedom of Information request. The information reveals that during the 2015 school year, the principal of St. Michael School, Corkery — located near Carp, Ontario — sent an email to OCSB superintendent Stephen McCabe and communications director Mardi de Kemp highlighting a link to an interview mentioning the OCSB given by a mom who has a biological boy who attends an OCSB school dressed like a girl. “I think we appear to be shown as a positive and respectful community,” writes Principal Martha Palmer in the Sept. 12 email. The interview referred to was conducted by the Ottawa pop radio station Hot 89.9. The station has used its public platform to mainstream the sexual rev...