Doctor Slams Trans Study That Claims Using Preferred Names Reduces Depression, Suicide

New research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health by scholars at the University of Texas purports to show that the more transgender youth are called by their preferred name in society, it lowers their risk of suicide and depression. However, a top pediatrician denounced the research as "meaningless" and leading to "false" conclusions. "Do not be fooled. This recent study, like all trans youth studies before it, is political agenda masquerading as science," Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians , which publicly opposes gender transition procedures and treatments for children, told The Christian Post . "As is customary of all trans youth research, this is a woefully small study that is not at all representative of children who self-identify as transgender nationwide. Consequently, the statistics derived from it are meaningless and the conclusions false." The study , conducted by Stephen T. Ru...