Tennessee House passes resolution condemning Supreme Court gay ‘marriage’ decision

The Tennessee House of Representatives has passed a motion saying the Supreme Court case redefining marriage, Obergefell v. Hodges , was wrongly decided and imposes a new understanding of the law “that is contrary to the express will of this body and the vote of the people of Tennessee.” A motion expressing legislators' views on the matter, House Joint Resolution 0529, passed the state House last Wednesday by a vote of 73-18. “I wrote this resolution because the legislature is without standing to sue the court over their decree that purported to make new law in Tennessee,” said Rep. Susan Lynn, R-Mount Joliet. Tennessee legislators voted to uphold marriage as the union of one man and one woman in 1996, 2004, and 2005. Then, state voters approved a constitutional marriage protection amendment by 81.3 percent in 2006. Although the Obergefell case was supposed to have “settled” the issue of same-sex “marriage,” polls show support for the new definition ...