Australia: Opposition vows to dump Safe Schools Homosexual agenda

Victoria's controversial pro-homosexual Safe Schools program will be axed if the Coalition wins the 2018 state election, with Opposition Leader Matthew Guy promising to replace it with a "genuine" anti-bullying program. A Liberal policy document provided to Fairfax Media claims the program is "all about pushing one person's radical-Marxist ideology onto other people's children". "Victorian schools should provide genuine anti-bullying programs for students, which promote respect for all others irrespective of their circumstances," the documents says. "These programs should not be a Trojan horse for politicising the Victorian education system." The Safe Schools program aims to promote acceptance of LGBTI students and was introduced six years ago by the Brumby Labor government. It continued to receive funding and support under the Baillieu-Napthine governments. But the program has recently come under attack, with Prime Minister Mal...