Why Should We Care about the Definition of Marriage?

With the overturning of Proposition 8 in California last August and New York becoming the sixth state to legalize homosexual “marriage” at the end of last month, the need is made increasingly apparent for Christians to continue to lovingly and resolutely declare God ’s design for marriage. That need only grows greater as this week President Obama publicly endorsed the “Respect for Marriage Act.” This bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 , “which instructs states not to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states and…prohibits the federal government from recognizing legally performed same-sex marriages.” Now, I’m not at all talking about politicking, putting our hope in government, or going all chicken-little about the moral failure of our country. God is sovereign, and our hope is in Christ alone. But I am talking about speaking God’s Word into the situations He places you in. It’s likely that as you seek to be a good steward of the Truth of God that h...