More transgender - regretters than advocates

In a ground-breaking recent report, eminent psychiatrists Dr Lawrence Mayer and Dr Paul McHugh have found that "only a small percentage of children who experience confusion about their gender identity will continue to experience this confusion into adolescence or adulthood". Confusion has certainly been the hallmark of Walt Heyer's life. From his own experience, he has emerged as a strong reminder that a change of gender is not always the end of the matter. "The world of regretters that I see and support is vastly different from the world of the transition advocates, those in a relentless pursuit to convince the world that being transgender is the ultimate of all genders," he said. "The advocate world includes intellectuals and medical practitioners, who benefit financially and professionally from providing transition services to this population of hurting people". Walt Heyer was 42, married for 16 years and a father of two. He describes the ...