Homosexul Zealots: 8 year old kids to be taught homosexual marriage is normal

Dalton McGuiny
Dalton McGuiny (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A group that has been pushing for the reinstatement of the controversial sex education curriculum that was dropped by the Ontario Liberal government after outrage from parents and family organizations has started a new campaign hoping to sway public opinion.
A coalition of groups spearheaded by the Ontario Physical Health Education Association (OPHEA) is trying to create public acceptance for the curriculum that was shelved in 2010 by running newspaper ads, hosting a website, and holding public meetings in an attempt to white wash the sex ed program.
OPHEA will hold a public meeting today, Tuesday, Dec 10th at 7pm, at David Lewis Public School, 130 Fundy Bay Blvd (near Warden Ave. & McNicoll Ave.), Toronto.
"You may have heard about the ads the sex-ed activists are running in newspapers this month trying to persuade the public that there is huge public demand to update the sex ed curriculum," said Teresa Pierre, PhD, president of Parents As First Educators.
"Based on the curriculum the province proposed in 2010, we expect this curriculum to promote the delivery of age-inappropriate graphic sexual information to children," she pointed out.
"They say they are trying to get the government to agree to update the curriculum for September 2014. If we don't push back, we will have children receiving information at school that you would never allow in your home."
The 2010 sex ed curriculum was controversial because it planned to teach explicit sexual concepts to very young children. For example, it would teach:
* 6 year olds about sexual body parts including "penis", "testicles", "vagina", "vulva", etc.
* 8 year olds the disputed theory of "gender identity ", i.e. the notion that whether you are a boy or a girl does not necessarily relate to your physical anatomy.
* 8 year olds that homosexual family structures are normal, natural and healthy, without regard for the religious beliefs of parents.
* 12 year olds that masturbation is a "pleasurable" activity that is "is common and is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body."
* Grade 7 students about "anal intercourse."
The curriculum was written under the direction of then-Education Minister, Kathleen Wynne, a leading gay-activist who is now Premier of Ontario.
The Deputy Education Minister at the time was Benjamin Levin, who is now facing criminal charges for making and distributing child pornography.
The accused child pornographer was also a senior member of Kathleen Wynne's transition team after she won the Liberal Leadership.
A review of the OPHEA campaign by Campaign Life Coalition found several areas of serious concern.
CLC also points to the list of 50 organizations joining OPHEA's campaign as a clue to the ideology behind it. Among the groups is Queer Ontario, whose published "values" include the "celebration of … sex acts, such as bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism, and open and/or polyamorous (many-to-many) relationships or sex."
The list also includes Planned Parenthood Toronto and a group called Sexpressions, which is a provider of 'sex educational materials' to schools, such as wooden "condom demonstrators" and books with titles that include the "Guide to Getting It On Book" and "Hand Made Love: A Guide For Teaching About Male Masturbation."
"When groups who advocate for the normalization of sadism, group sex, anal play and pornography are demanding the return of the 2010 Sex Ed curriculum, parents cannot be blamed for suspecting that an agenda to sexualize the classroom may be involved," said CLC.
"Combine that with the possible involvement of an alleged child pornographer in its development, and it's understandable why moms and dads want no part of this curriculum."
Another tactic by OPHEA to try to lower the guard of parents, is to make it sound like Ontario students are suffering from a woefully out of date Physical and Health Education curriculum by stating that the current version is fifteen years old.
"This is not true," states CLC. "In fact, 87% of the current Health & Physical Education curriculum is dated 2010. The only portion that was not updated in 2010 was the Sex Ed portion that McGuinty had to withdraw."
CLC notes that the OPHEA meeting to be held today "will be well-attended by the media and certainly stacked with supporters of the curriculum to give the appearance that the public wants it. The media will then dutifully report that average Ontario parents want this curriculum."
"Please throw a wrench into their carefully crafted media strategy by attending the public meeting so the voice of real parents can be heard," CLC urges.
"Voice your opposition as a parent, student or grandparent. Make it known that you do not want the government to further sexualize the classroom. Prevent the media from running away with a pre-packaged story to help OPHEA and Kathleen Wynne sell this dangerous sex ed plan."

- See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/164-world/usa-canada/news-item-3-usa-canada/8759-ontario-sex-ed-activists-renew-push-for-graphic-curriculum#sthash.9cjxp9nZ.dpuf
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