The answer to terrorism is homosexuality says the Mayor of London:

The annual march of decadence, nudity and blatant sin, now in its 45th year, marks 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalised in England and Wales . W hy was homosexuality a criminal offense ? What major event changed in society that made a criminal offense to something that is celebrated and if you disagree you are subject to a hate crime? It was deemed to be criminal - but one person said it wasn't it is ....what happens "private sexual business" is nobody's business and should be a criminal offence. In the 1960s, a Labour MP , Leo Abse , and a Conservative peer, Lord Arran , put forward proposals to change the way in which criminal law treated homosexual men by means of the Sexual Offences Bill. This attempt to liberalise the law relating to male homosexuality can be placed in a context of the rising number of prosecutions of homosexual men. In his 1965 Sexual Offences Bill, Lord Arran drew heavily upon the findings...